Downtown in the old Town
    Return to Poi-Kalyan, continue for half a minute along ex-Ulitsa Kommunarov and you come to old Bukhara's Hatton Garden, Taq-i-Zargaran (1569-70). This was the biggest of the city's famous multi-domed bazaars and is one of three to have survived. The idea was to exploit the bedlam of a busy cross-roads by turning the crossroads itself into the bazaar. A high cupola 14 m across rises over the intersection on a drum. Trade-heated air escapes through high windows, drawing in cooler air from the streets. The drum, surrounded by myriad smaller domes, rests on an octagonal hall, four of whose sides are shop-fronts while traffic Hows in and out through the other four. Taq-i-Zargaran still trades, but in tourist trinkets rather than Asia's costliest gemstones. 



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